Dpi Alphaplac
Disclosing solution
- Brand : DPI
- Model : Dpi Alphaplac
- Dpi Alphaplac : Disclosing solution
- Brand New
- Secure Payment
- 100% Genuine Products
- Manufacturer Warranty
Dpi Alphaplac - 1 Unit
$ 20.00
The Dentist Shop Assurance
DPI products can oblige the requirements of the dental clinic setup with a wide range of product classes in dentistry of our exchanging experience addressing presumed unfamiliar organizations too. DPI products are accomplished in dermal fillers, clinical hardware, and expert preparation. DPI products, we cautiously select the product for dispersion and examination of pretty much every one of the most recent patterns and dispatches in tasteful medication. Wellbeing, viability, value quality proportion are the main concerns at the buying stage.
- The color of the disclosing agent doesnot disappear immediately with Saliva or simple rinsing.
- Taste: The taste of the disclosing agent is acceptable to the patient
Two colour disclosing solution to locate old plaque (stained blue)
and new plaque (stained pink).
For prophylactic treatment
Bottle of 50 ml